
We Run

JaF programs are monthly, annual , biannual and triannual. All of these programs invite art and cultural practitioner from various disciplines and countries to live, interact, work together with the villagers in order to feel the livelihood of Jatiwangi’s rural society. These people are invited to experiment, formulate and create something with the existing society that will later on be presented to many people or, in other words, tested out together.

Monthly Programs

+ Forum 27an
Jaf’s monthly discussion series is held every 27th of the month. This activity is an open forum where anyone can come to discuss their thoughts, ideas, and approaches in various and vastly different fields of knowledge. This forum is made possible by the presence of participants from all walks of life: artists, farmers, roof tile factory workers, politicians, teachers, entrepreneurs, and other members of society.

+ Ruang Kosmik

Annual Programs

+ Village Video Festival
Village Video Festival is an annual video residency festival organized by Jatiwangi art factory and Sundayscreen. This festival invites artists and non-artists who have passion in exploring new media to stay and collaborate with Jatiwangi’s residents. Participants will sharpen their vision through advocacy in the form of workshops tutored by invited practitioners, such as: video artists, researchers, filmmakers, and visual communication experts. The expected result of this tutorial method is a kind to formulate a new district remapping in the form of video, also as a strategy to communicate policy in creative ways.

+ Binaraga Jebor

+ Biannual Program

+ Triannual Program