+ Forum 27an
The Jaf monthly discussion series is held every 27th of every month. This activity is an open forum where anyone can come to discuss their thoughts, ideas and approaches in various areas of experience. This forum involves participants from various groups: artists, farmers, roof tile factory workers, politicians, teachers, entrepreneurs and other communities.
+ Apamart
Apamart is a monthly surprise market organized by Jatiwangi art Factory. We hold a market every month, which focuses on inviting MSME friends in Majalengka to open stalls and sell at this event.
Apamart is a market laboratory space that tries to test the market for our network products in Majalengka.
+ Ruang Kosmik (Music Showcase)
Ruang Kosmik is a monthly music showcase run by Jatiwangi Art Factory. Apart from being a performance space, this showcase is also a space for sharing experiences between local musicians and the musicians we present at the showcase.