JaF begin its work with the “addressed public” (in Indonesian bahasa: Publik yang beralamat). There is a tendency that when one uses the term public in their art practices in means that they do not only work with the art public. The term public that was coined by Jurgen Habermass has become a term that points to the non-art public or the society or the community or the citizen or the people. The term “adressed public” coined by one of JaF founders’ Arief Yudi Rahman points to the people that JaF know closely; not just by their demographic facts, but also their names, their relatives, where they went to scholl, where they work and even the addresses of their houses.
JaF starts its work with only 10 families in Jatisura. Those are people surrounding the house that JaF is based in. Making music performances, working on exhibition display, making exhibitions, being an event organizer, hosting artists friends that comes for a residency (be it visual artists, musicians, theater groups, etc), helping the village government in organizing social ceremonies, etc. Now, almost ten years later, JaF works closely with Jatisura Village Government, 16 vilages in Jatiwangi District, Jatiwangi District Government, a number of surrounding districts and also Majalengka District Government.
+ Forum 27an
Jaf’s monthly discussion series is held every 27th of the month. This activity is an open forum where anyone can come to discuss their thoughts, ideas, and approaches in various and vastly different fields of knowledge. This forum is made possible by the presence of participants from all walks of life: artists, farmers, roof tile factory workers, politicians, teachers, entrepreneurs, and other members of society.
+ JaF Gallery
Since the year 2006 we in Jatiwangi have used Jaf Gallery as a media to push the creative process of our residents through collaboration. The exhibition in Jaf Gallery will establish over time a new pattern of transaction for how knowledge is distributed and how society awareness is raised. The last luxury things in the life is thinking, Jatiwangi people will no longer need to go to the city anymore to gain knowledge.
+ Jaf TV
Jaf TV is a part of the JaF audiovisual division that is intended to create independent sources of information for residents through popular media. Community TV was born out of the Village Video Festival, and is an effort to curate the abundance of information that appears in the village through mass media, newspapers, radio, television, and the internet. The community-run program distributes information that results from local needs and issues.
JaF TV broadcasts program for adults (40%), teens (20%) and children (#)%) from Monday through Sunday for approximately six hours per day. Among the programs presented are News and Discussion (Village report, world village, editorials, Characters speak, Coffee stalls, Versus, Village Geographic, DNSN (Eat well, sleep well), Entertainment and Education (People’s Clay, Sangu Asak Surak. Village Idol, Inohong in Jatiwangi, Short film, Feature films, School TV, How to, Cosmic) and Characters (Ekbang the Explorer, Family).
+ Jaf Radio
Initiated at the same time of the birth of JaF (2005) and run by local citizen. Started as community radio with 40 Watts capacity and 5 KM radius; has now grown into local radio with 1000 Watts capacity and 50 KM radius. JaF Radio is built with the agenda to create a smart and motivated public that is eager to develop themselves based on local culture. For that, JaF Radio uses Sundanese (spoken language in West Java), explore local materials and facts in its on air programs and periodically hold off air meetings in order to strengthen the relationship of the growing community of their listeners. Jaf Radio utilized as the medium to strengthen the grass root community that is of the people of Jatiwangi.