New Rural Agenda Summit

Tuesday, 21 June, 20221 pm – 4 pm CEST // 6 pm – 9 pm WIB Jatiwangi art Factory (JaF) develops the New Rural Agenda—a trans-local network and summit among local communities with other-than-human. Together they have been working on world-making and development models that start from the community’s cultural ownership and knowledge. The New […]
Hamparan Keramat

Apa yang dibayangkan ketika mendengar kata keramat? terutama ketika kata tersebut dilekatkan ke wilayah kita tinggal, di Jatiwangi. Keramat yang berasal dari bahasa Arab Karomah, yang berarti hormat/menghormati/penghormatan/pemuliaan, ditempatkan sebagai cara memandang wilayah yang menjadi lokasi eksperimentasi artistik terhadap lanskap kultural Jatiwangi. Sebuah wilayah yang sedang tumbuh menjadi kota industri, menjadi urban, menjadi padat, namun […]
Peresmian #paviliun #speakeraktif

Peresmian #Paviliun #SpeakerAktif Kami mengundang teman-teman untuk hadir pada peresmian Paviliun enam komunitas di Majalengka yang terlibat pada program #SpeakerAktif. Sebuah program yang dirancang sebagai platform kerjasama antar-komunitas di Majalengka dalam rangka mengaktifkan diri di tengah perubahan wilayah yang cukup signifikan.Paviliun ini akan diujicoba selama tiga tahun ke depan, bagaimana ia dapat memfasilitasi kerja-kerja komunitas dan menjadi […]
Forum 27an January 2018

Forum 27an mengundang untuk hadir di program diskusi bulanan Hari Sabtu tanggal 27 Januari 2018 Pukul 16.00 s/d Selesai. Tema : Seni / Warga / Negara Pemancing Perbincangan: Gita Hastarika Direktur Yayasan Kelola Tempat : Jebor Hall Jatiwangi art Factory Terima kasih
Age of Wonderland 2017 > Cur:

Since the early 17th century, Java was well known as the world-high-grade coffee producing regions long before the world knew other variants of coffee such as Brazilian, Columbia and others. In addition to that ‘Java’ is nowadays associated with everything related to coffee and even is adopted in lieu of the term of ‘Coffee’. In […]
Reallabs University

Reallabs University is run by an interregional network of (art)groups working in community and environmental scapes. Provides action learning and practice based research on real life issues and local problem situations in real-life contexts. Adhers to the conepts persaudaraan (Indonesian), zämehalt (Swiss German), and kwai fong (Cantonese), all referreing to close, loyal, and dedicated friendship. […]
Cyclown Circus

Cyclown Circus is a circus collective cycle from town to town, looking for a place to stay, co-operating with locals and the community and performing in the street or at a pre-arranged locations (usually some kind of Social centre) and giving workshops after the event if we have time. Since 2000, they have traveled 40.000 […]
Jatisura Village Election

In Jatiwangi, people think that local election (Village election) is more important than the governor or president election. Because the candidate is our neighbours or family, frequently become a conflict among fellow villagers. We try to intervene with the bamboo artistic approach. Hope this can minimize the conflict. >> More images here.
Daun Salambar Playground

So many kids around the Jaf’s neighbours and environment. We prepare an arena for them to play some music, dance, painting, watching movie, workshop and hang out. Later we decide to make an informal education playground named Daun Salambar. >> More images here.