Peresmian #paviliun #speakeraktif

Peresmian #Paviliun #SpeakerAktif Kami mengundang teman-teman untuk hadir pada peresmian Paviliun enam komunitas di Majalengka yang terlibat pada program #SpeakerAktif. Sebuah program yang dirancang sebagai platform kerjasama antar-komunitas di Majalengka dalam rangka mengaktifkan diri di tengah perubahan wilayah yang cukup signifikan.Paviliun ini akan diujicoba selama tiga tahun ke depan, bagaimana ia dapat memfasilitasi kerja-kerja komunitas dan menjadi […]
Gotong Royong – Things We Do Together

Gotong Royong. Things we do together is an exhibition–meeting place at the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, in which the exhibition and a rich public programme will be intertwined. The idea of community will drive the films, objects, documentation and public activities offered by the artists,activists and educators from places around the world. The exhibition’s title, Gotong royong, means “common task” in Indonesian. It is a method […]
Jaf Air > VAGA Body & Multimedia Experimental Group 多媒體跨域身體實驗團體

The artist-in-residency exhibition “The Theory of Cinematic Body“ Kuo Ying Hsiu Solo Exhibition, displaying the video art works from early times till the current residency in Indonesia. Notion of curation and creativity will be set aside with the works exhibited in the kitchen, bedroom and reception room where the artist living in. This is a […]
Reallabs University

Reallabs University is run by an interregional network of (art)groups working in community and environmental scapes. Provides action learning and practice based research on real life issues and local problem situations in real-life contexts. Adhers to the conepts persaudaraan (Indonesian), zämehalt (Swiss German), and kwai fong (Cantonese), all referreing to close, loyal, and dedicated friendship. […]
Jaf Air > Fabrikaat – “Fabrick”

Fabrick is a collaborative project between Jatiwangi art Factory and Fabrikaat to gain new insights and to stimulate developments regarding new ways of building and living through social empowerment. This project is try to develop a new building brick using local know-how, production methods, resources and materials in collaboration with the local community (local rural […]
Jaf Air >Wanda Gillespie

Wanda Gillespie is a Melbourne based-artist who mixes the conceptual and sculptural. She research about the mythological animal in the lost-world.she work with the bird lovers and bird cage makers in Jatiwangi. >> More images here.
Jaf Air > Sawung Jabo

Sawung Jabo is Indonesian “living legend” multidisciplinary artist, musician, dancer and theatre in the late 80s. He doing residency and work with the Jatiwangi people to find the roots of the Jatiwangi sound, which is came from clay, and create some musical composition together with local musician, from tarling, folk and rock. This workshop indicated […]