
Konser Cinta Mukti Mukti Episode Maesaroh


Mukti Mukti is one of the Jatiwangi art Factory initiators, also the researcher and founder the ceramic music consortium / Konsorsiumusikeramik [Kosmik].

In the beginning Jatiwangi Art Factory (Jaf) opened its art activities by sharing goodwill with village residents through small and intimate musical performances. Jaf also invited musicians and artists to stay for a period in Jatiwangi, and to share their experiences with villages though shows, workshops, collaborations, film screenings, discussions, and so on.

Ceramic music consortium is doing research and development in music and ceramics by local resources of Jatiwangi clay. Kosmik supporting locally, nationally and internationally musicians or artists to promote, distributing and creating ceramic music culture to everyone.

Jatiwangi art Factory began its research on Jatiwangi society though its interactive and participatory method of engaging the villagers themselves, especially in the research and development of “Clay” which Jatiwangi residents are expert in in their everyday lives as producers of roof tiles following the most traditional to the most modern methods.

>> Live recording release here.

>> More images here.

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