Present is the future from the past

A Contemporary Art Exhibition–May 12th – 26th 2018Opening 16.00 pm – / Artists:> Ali Robin (Bdg)< Asmujo Jono Irianto (Bdg)> Ay Tjoe Christine (Bdg)< Deden Sambas (Bdg)> Handiwirman Saputra (Jog)< Irman A. Rahman (Bdg)> Jumaldi Alfi (Jog)< M. Irfan (Jog)> Nurdian Ichsan (Bdg)< Tisna Sanjaya (Bdg)> Titarubi (Jog)< Yunizar (Jog) / Curators:> Loranita Damayanti< Ika […]
Gotong Royong – Things We Do Together

Gotong Royong. Things we do together is an exhibition–meeting place at the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, in which the exhibition and a rich public programme will be intertwined. The idea of community will drive the films, objects, documentation and public activities offered by the artists,activists and educators from places around the world. The exhibition’s title, Gotong royong, means “common task” in Indonesian. It is a method […]
Asian Art Biennial 2017 > Claynialism – Supranatural Farming

If they use the word “Taiwan”, Jatiwangi people are generally referring to one of two things: migrant workers or business investors. We are interested in the second one of these, business investors. Everyone knows that globalization and neoliberalism have accelerated land-rushing globally, especially since 2008. As a result, many people have been driven from their […]
Jaf Air > VAGA Body & Multimedia Experimental Group 多媒體跨域身體實驗團體

The artist-in-residency exhibition “The Theory of Cinematic Body“ Kuo Ying Hsiu Solo Exhibition, displaying the video art works from early times till the current residency in Indonesia. Notion of curation and creativity will be set aside with the works exhibited in the kitchen, bedroom and reception room where the artist living in. This is a […]
Serumpun Bambu Festival

Bamboo is a common material in Jatiwangi beside clay. Serumpun Bambu is a festival to gather the community in Majalengka Regency who concern in bamboo and clay observation and conservation, also the musical camp and workshop. >> More images here.
Festival Bambu Nusantara

Bambu Nusantara is World Music Festival with some event of bamboo innovation and conservation program, held once a year. Collaboration with Jatiwangi art factory as artistic director for this festival. >> More images here.
OK Video Militia

The workshop in Jatiwangi took place on April 9 to 15, 2007, ruangrupa in collaboration with the Jatiwangi Art Factory community (JAF), established since September 2005 with diverse art activities, starting from music to visual art. The workshop involved the community and the workers from the roof tile factories. The OK. Video Militia workshop is […]
Jaf Air > Sawung Jabo

Sawung Jabo is Indonesian “living legend” multidisciplinary artist, musician, dancer and theatre in the late 80s. He doing residency and work with the Jatiwangi people to find the roots of the Jatiwangi sound, which is came from clay, and create some musical composition together with local musician, from tarling, folk and rock. This workshop indicated […]
1st Exhibition

This is the 1st Exhibition of Jatiwangi art Factory at the Galerikita, Bandung, Indonesia. JaF explores the possibility of clay can made besides the rooftile. >> More images here.